Friday 25 March 2011

How to define success

How can success be defined?

 It is inevitable for human being to pursue their own success. The idea of success can be varied from something physical and material to one of psychological success. Therefore, success can be defined in many ways and differs from person to person. However, most people would not disagree that physical success is being a rich person, and psychological success is living without any worries and success as being trusted by others.
 To begin with, success can be defined as being rich. People usually presume that rich people such as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Warren Buffett have succeeded. It is indisputable fact that being rich easily provides and allows us to acquire what we desire. For example, most of the people would have dreamt of or would be dreaming of owning a Lamborghini. Yet, only people who can afford it can own it or elaborate and massive mansions and other fancy cars. Thus, being rich will be inevitably satisfying. Moreover, being rich can be defined as success because it liberates you from boring daily routine.  Money allows people to spend time on reflection while people who are less well-off desperately find income to satisfy their basic needs and not have such quality time for themselves. For example, owner of the firm usually go on holidays in Hawaii and travels around the world.  On the other hand, however, workers of that firm normally spend more than half of their day on their desks.
 Unlike physical success mentioned earlier there are different types of success which consider mental satisfaction more than physical satisfactions. There are two types of psychological satisfaction which are ‘Living without worries’ and ‘being trusted by other people’. First, living without any worries could be much happier than being rich, because millionaires would definitely have worries and concerns. No worries is something very surrealistic ideal however, people find it as a success. For example, Karl Marx and Thomas More wanted to create a Utopia. Their intention was primarily based on living without worries. Although they have failed to create Utopia, human being’s desire of living in Utopia grows bigger and bigger while living in capitalized world. Also, in the movie ‘The Lion King’s famous phrase ‘Hakuna Matata’ is also shows another part which represents human’s basic instinct of living with no worries.
 Another type of psychological success is being a trustworthy person.  I believe success is defined as being trusted.  This type of success could be effective in many ways. Because, as long as you are a trustworthy person, you can borrow money from others if you need some, or you can get many investments by other investors if you are a businessman. For example, a famous lawyer who hardly loses gets more jobs than other lawyers. Thus, when we are trustworthy, we can get more opportunities which leads to success.
 In a nutshell, being rich is usually defined as success because it provides more opportunities and welfare. Moreover, living without any worries and earning credit themselves can be defined as success because it is what people unconsciously and automatically works to get those two. I believe there are more different types of success people pursue.  However, I think mentally successful is much more important than just being rich. because, when you are mentally satisfied physical part would be fulfilled automatically.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Green House basketball team.

Basketball became part of my life since my high school years back in England. I used to play for the school team and exterior team named 'GreenHouse'. In this section im going to talk about the GH team which became the memory i cannot forget. I remember that there are not only GH basketball but also many other sports and activities. GH is an government conducted organization and its purpose is to redeem the green earth. We played games and donate fees to help the environment. Through this activity i was able to not only improve my basketball skills and also became very intimate and sociable person.

Thursday 10 March 2011

Attitude Towards Writing.

When im in a position of writer, It is difficult to be completely confident to myself and i do not enjoy writing. The reason why i do not enjoy writing is because the writings i have written so far was mostly eassays which was mainly school homework, I wrote essays just because i was forced to do so, Also those essays were only used to grade students which was unavoidable for students to follow conventional and obvious writing formats and topics to get a good marks. These are the reasons why i do not enjoy writing.
 Furthermore, I do not feel confident to myself when i write, Not only formal writings such as essay, articles but also creative writings such as poems, tales and so on. Because i have a streotype that writings should be presented, read and assessed by others. I believe this procedure is part of writing as well. Thus, when i write i usually get obsessed to create a masterpiece. This streotype of writing destroys my confidence.